Herring in the Anacosita River
Spring Herring Migration

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Spring Herring Migration

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Anacostia Watershed Restoration Partnership (AWRP)

The Anacostia River watershed extends through suburban Maryland and the District of Columbia and is one of the most densely populated urban watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Investments in major restoration efforts over decades are paying off and enhancing water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and opportunities for recreation, leisure, and adventure.

These efforts have advanced, in part, thanks to the Anacostia Watershed Restoration Partnership (AWRP). The Partnership, led by Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), is a consortium of local, state, and federal agencies, environmental organizations, and private citizens working toward a cleaner, healthier watershed.


Enjoy the Anacostia

2018 was Year of the Anacostia (YOTA) – an invitation to honor history, celebrate progress, and enjoy the Anacostia River and Watershed.

COG is collaborating with its members and partners in the Anacostia Watershed Restoration Partnership to continue this initiative, #enjoytheanacostia. The initiative focuses on getting area residents to experience the nature near their neighborhoods and enjoy the many opportunities that the Anacostia offers them. By connecting with the Anacostia Watershed, residents will see the progress gained from restoration efforts and investments. Visit here for additional details.


Learn about the river, watershed and its protection and restoration through maps.

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